Company Profile

Intrastrata Assurance Corporation's History

INTRASTRATA ASSURANCE CORPORATION is one of the country's leading and oldest non-life insurance companies. It was established on September 8, 1959 and was formerly known as Overseas Insurance Company.

In 1987, the company changed its corporate name to what it is now known, while still maintaining the tradition of providing excellent and quality service to its wide array of clientele.

INTRASTRATA has established an excellent track record in terms of maintaining treaty arrangements with reputable re-insurers and in writing policy and surety undertakings for major accounts. It has, time and again, proven its trustworthiness, capacity and efficiency in the processing and payment of claims.

The Company has committed itself to pursue significant growth in all areas. By enhancing its marketing operations, securing additional reinsurance facilities from well-known reinsurers locally and abroad and further uplifting the standards of customer service it provides, INTRASTRA envisions to be a premium and preferred provider of all non-life and surety services in the country.